NSTP 1 Gathers for Children in Tupas
August 2,2009 is my not-so-average-meet-up day. Marinil and I with the accompaniment of Ms. Lyden pushed through our Second Feeding Activity in NSTP 1! Yezz! You see- it's just me and Marinil! Just two students! Ahaha! Well, it doesn't matter that much. We have this saying "the more the merrier" but today's activity made me into a realization that that quote doesn't apply nearly to every situation happening. We all enjoyed the activity from the beginning until the end.
Tupas is a place where most of residents are not well-off but despite the crisis lingering in the area, the people living there remains joyful and friendly. Although most of the males there seem to look like bandits and criminals, they actually are kind people. As the saying goes "Don't judge tha book by it's cover" -I say, that line applies to the people residing the place. Tupas looks dirty in the sense that most the houses look obviously made out of spare woods, large leaves of trees, plastics and rusted roof metals. It's really an unsual place.
6:00 am sharp, the entire crew met up. Christian with his father was there. Marinil, Ms. Lyden and I. Pax was unable to come for a reason we don't know. We were actually thinking he was lost but anyway, he's already old XD I mean,. Lemme say.. he's already grown up. Ahehehe. ^_^. Okay moving on, Christian was permitted by Miss Lyden not to attend the said activity since he was sick (that's why his father accompanied him). And so, the journey began! We rode ourselves to tupas via jeepney. It was as if we paid the entire communting fee :)) because it was only the three of us excluding the driver who rode the vehicle. Pretty funny. Really!

Our next stop was San Nicholas Parish Church. I left Ms. Lyden and Marinil in the place and called several children in Tupas to join our free lecture and feeding. There were few of them at first but since I ordered the others to call more of their friends, the kids grew in number.
SO what's MALATA and DI malata?
Miss Lyden Lectures the Youth
And so the our activity went so good [as usual] nyahahah. It actually ended at 10 am. Marinil and I still had P.E. classes at 2:00 so we rushed home and met up in school. And what happened next? We didn't have classes!! WWaaahh! That was disturbing knowing that it takes almost two hours to commute to our home back and forth. Hmf! But there's nothing I have to complain, it's paid off by the Godly action we made last morning ^__^
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