the SHOW
The Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center once again showed off to the world how disciplined Filipinos are, specifically the CEBUANOS and I am so happy to be one.

Last September 29, I invited my close friend Shahanah and the others to come with me to watch a live performance of the world famous Cebuano Inmates' Dance. Only Shan had the vacant time to come with me so I invited some of my teachers and cousins but they were to busy except for Miss Michelle.

Suppose to be, Sam should be coming but he just woke up by the time we already have to go. He told me he was so tired and doesn't want to attend the entertaining program. "Oh well," , I said "-you don't have any idea what you'll be missing" I added on the phone. I wasn't angry. I was just kinda regreting for him for missing the opportunity.

We met lots of friends there of different nationalities. I was not that astound because it has been my second time to attend the happening which only done about twice a year. My teacher and friend kept on laughing while on the bus because they didn't believed me in the first place that there will 15% Filipinos who'll be joining.

Some foreigners took our pictures with them. Ahahha! Wherever will the post or upload it, I hope that'll make me even more famous. LOL. ahhaha! Anyhow, the guys enjoyed a lot. We were invited by a Korean guy with her girl friends to eat with them, dinner. But we hesitated. :P

Too bad I wasn't able to make use of my digital camera [for those who tune up my blogs, remember about my cam and how it broke] I had lots of pictures and video clips taken from Miss Michelle's Phone Cam. BIG thanks to her. ehhehe. Most of them are uploaded in my facebook account and youtube.
Well, that's it for now. I hope you all enjoy my short- essay of the day! Muah!
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